Wait… you mean the goats actually climb on me?

We all know that yoga has amazing mental and physical health benefits—gentle stretching, mindfulness, and improving flexibility among them! Back in 2016 a goat farmer named Lainey Morris started hosting events at her farm where her friends could hang out with goats; one friend, a yoga teacher, realized that there was one thing that could make yoga EVEN BETTER… adding goats!

A goat yoga event is essentially a traditional yoga class where goats roam freely among the participants. The goats may jump on your back while you hold a down-dog, or nuzzle your ears as you lay in Savasana. Their quirky personalities and gentle natures enhance your yoga experience by increasing serotonin—the “feel good” hormone that is released by your brain when petting adorable animals. It’s neuroscience—cute animals really DO make us happier!

Our certified yoga instructors will lead you through a gentle yoga session, offering modifications so that you can practice to your preferred level of exercise. The goats’ hilarious personalities and natural curiosity make them the perfect workout partner—they don’t judge, they’ll make you smile, and you will leave class taking a little bit of their joyful sunshine with you!